Political practicea and nostalgia: Derek Jarman; Pier Paolo Pasolini; subversión and cinema; cinema and homosexuality.



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Published: 30-10-2011



Derek Jarman and Pier Paolo Pasolini deserve a special place in the history of cinema. Open homosexuals, their opus displays a common thread of nostalgia that explores history and the past; in the case of Jarman, we can talk about the inheritance from the Elizabethan era, while Pasolini is influenced by the classics and western mythology. Both use subversive techniques to write against conventional narrative structures and distance themselves from the stereotypes reproduced by other homosexual directors.


Derek Jarman, Pier Pasolini, subversion and cinema, cinema and homosexuality.


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How to Cite

Sedeño Valdellós, A. (2011). Political practicea and nostalgia: Derek Jarman; Pier Paolo Pasolini; subversión and cinema; cinema and homosexuality. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (3), 111–118. Retrieved from https://revistas.uca.es/index.php/hachetetepe/article/view/6388


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