The digital competition in the school: an educational resource decisive for the social, cultural and economic transformation- students between screens-



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Published: 01-11-2010



The digital competition, it places between eight basic competitions that the person must have developed on having finished the compulsory education to be able to achieve his personal accomplishment, exercise the active citizenship, join to the adult life of a satisfactory way and be capable of developing a permanent learning along the life. With this competition, the professorship, it will facilitate the learning arranging the pupil of skills to search, to obtain, to process and to communicate information, and to transform it into knowledge. It incorporates different skills, which go from the access to the information up to his transmission in different supports once treated, including the utilization of the technologies of the information and the communication as essential element for Essential to be informed, to learn and to communicate. It is very important, on the other hand, that the professorship teaches to use the times “of screen” with a suitable philosophy and well-being, so much for the health of the user person, since for his relations in general. 


Competition, basic, didactic resource, educational resource, audio-visual culture, well-being, audiovisual language, competent citizenship.


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How to Cite

Domínguez Caro, F. (2010). The digital competition in the school: an educational resource decisive for the social, cultural and economic transformation- students between screens-. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (1), 57–66. Retrieved from


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