Notes on reading wordless picture books. Non-fictional discourse and migratory journey
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One of the most distinguishing features of wordless picture books is a visual and multimodal conception within the context of the complexity of postmodern children’s literature. Reading them challenges child readers and also mediators in the development of visual literacy and art education in educational contexts. This study aims to provide guidance for reading based on the analysis of works that address the migratory phenomenon from the experience of the journey. These books are usually analysed from social and ideological approaches but this work aims to contribute a new perspective in order to prompt multireferential, critical and reflective readings. The analysis shows how non-fictional discourse is latent behind a seemingly fictional account. This discourse is revealed as a constructive strategy through collective characters, common places, authorship voices or symbols that reflect a universal and collective view of the migratory experience, which, in turn, would explain the uniform portrait of migrants and refugees in these works. As a result, these picture books are closer to the documentary genre in which fiction is a foundation that involves the reader.
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