Environmental education game about pollution: Lindane in the Gállego River
Lindane pollution has great social relevance in the Gallego river basin (Aragon). This work includes a sequence of environmental education aimed at bringing 5th and 6th grade students closer to this topical issue. Specifically, the following issues were worked on: types of pollution and their consequences, colorless pollutants and the point of no return. The sequence has two sessions. The first one is based on the popular musical chairs and is based on learning through the use of analogies. The second consists of carrying out an experiment to illustrate the ecological concept of no return and to show that some contaminants can be colorless. The game is an extraordinary didactic resource due to the prevalence of the playful and affective components and the favorable predisposition that it generates in the students.
Copyright (c) 2023 Javier Martínez-Aznar, Pedro Lucha López
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