La maestra como directora escolar: gestión pedagógica y espacio público en Chile (1900-1927)

This paper is intended the describe and analyze the directive action of teachers, who were women, at female schools, to show both the pedagogical sense and the leadership acquired by carrying out their functions. In that sense,, the book Actividades femeninas en Chile, published in 1928, is taken as a reference , , since it is focused, in a direct way, in some of its sections, in the field of education. Thereby, by means of speech analysis, the present paper explores the academic formation of girls and young women during the period, in which the role played by female principals can be noted. In this way, it is verified that the effects of their managing activities are present and essential in their deep ethical and social commitment, in the cultural and associative activities with Latin American countries, in the interest for teachers' further training in Europe and the United States, in the experiences based in Progressive Education, and in nationalism and hygiene, among other points.
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Actividades femeninas en Chile (1928). Santiago de Chile: Imprenta y Litografía La ilustración.
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