No. 18 (2012): The Peninsule for use in England. Spanish themed British books, 1800-1850
Monographic section
Patriotism by comparison: stereotypes about Spain in John Andrew`s Characteristical views (1808)
Robert Southey’s Chronicle of the Cid: Spain as a Textual Archive and an Intervention Zone
John Allen, the other view from Holland House. Notes on Journal of a tour of Spain and Portugal
Walter Scott’s Vision of Don Roderick (1811): a ‘Drum and Trumpet Performance’?
Romanticism and the transatlantic imagination: Blanco White, Keats, and the Liberal DilemmaRomanticismo y la Imaginacion Transatlantico: Blanco White, Keats, y el Dilema Liberal
Brandishing the quill and the saber: captain Sherer and his Recollections
Witness to the Peninsular War: Sophia Barnard’s Travels in Andalusia
"La era de 1812"
The Spanish Constitution of 1812 in an Enlightened writer`s view. The García Malo's example
The necessary memory: The Vida literaria of Joaquín Lorenzo Villanueva
Book reviews
Diego de Torres Villarroel, «Teatro breve I (obras profanas). Edited by Epicteto Díaz Navarro and Fernando Doménech Rico»
María de los Ángeles Pérez Samper, «Mesas y cocinas en la España del siglo XVIII»
Victoriano Gaviño Rodríguez and Fernando Durán López (eds.), «Gramática, canon e historia literaria (1750 y 1850)»
José Nicolás de Azara, «Epistolario (1784-1804). Edición de María Dolores Gimeno Puyol»
Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos, «Escritos sobre literatura. Edición de Elena de Lorenzo Álvarez»
New centenary, old memory. Books published by Fundación Dos de Mayo
Joaquín Álvarez Barrientos, José María Ferri Coll and Enrique Rubio Cremades (eds.), «Larra en el mundo. La misión de un escritor moderno»