The Procedural Dimension in Extracurricular Competitions: Contributions to Scientific Education


Article abstract page views:  308  


Fundamentals and current research lines
pp. 30-46
Published: 28-10-2012



The research describes the role of the extracurricular academic competitions skills, focusing on the Olympics of Biological Sciences of Costa Rica, and its effects on promoting the dimension procedure for those students that participated in the III Olympics edition. This study was based mainly on the qualitative approach techniques (ethnographic design: study case); however, some data were analyzed by using quantitative techniques (descriptive design with an exploratory overtone). Sample data consisted of 54 high school finalist students of the A Category, and were surveyed by July 2009, using a checklist in order to record various behaviors. The obtained information was interpreted not only by inferential and described statistics elements, but also using related figures, histograms, and correlation tests and content analysis. It was found that student´s skills were positive affected toward the scientific study of the biodiversity, contestant’s comprehension and execution of scientific protocols are initiated, and several scientific tactics are applied and exercised, the students are guided to consider environmental elements to explain the obtained data. Finally, individual and group level procedural improvements were recorded, identifying different actions linked to build a better Dimension Procedure, and therefore the task of the scientific literacy which is accomplished through these academic competencies.



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Author Biography

Shirley María Camacho Vargas

Licenciatura y Bachillerato en Enseñanza de las Ciencias Naturales y Bachillerato Biología con énfasis en Biología Tropical, de la Universidad Nacional, Co-coordinadora de las Olimpiadas Costarricense de Ciencias Biológicas e internacionales, académica investigadora en el área de Enseñanza de las Ciencias Naturales de la Escuela de Ciencias Biológicas de la Universidad Nacional, Heredia