Ask yourself, and explores some competences while working


Article abstract page views:  1131  


Experiences, resources and other work
pp. 198-211
Published: 16-07-2014


  • Ana Marzo (ES) Máster en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas. Universitat Jaume I de Castelló.
  • Llorenç Monferrer Pons (ES) Profesor Física y Química IES Broch i Llop de Vila-real.


In the present paper an educational experience is described. It was carried out with students from third year of Educación Secundaria Obligatoria focused on the content of “The inorganic chemical formulation”. From a question or the approach of a riddle we aim to bring the students, in an innovative way, to the field of physics and chemistry and, ultimately, to science, thus involving them in their own teaching-learning process. Having the methodology of learning by inquiry, as a referent, we have worked with different didactic tools that can help improve student learning, such as: collaborative learning techniques using the technique of Aronson’s Puzzle or the information Technology and Communication. Also a WebQuest has been designed using the Google sites tool to present the activities so that it can guide the student in finding information on the Internet.



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Author Biography

Llorenç Monferrer Pons, Profesor Física y Química IES Broch i Llop de Vila-real.

Profesor de Enseñanza Secundaria especialidad Física y Química IES Professor Broch i Llop de Vila-real (Castellón).