Science fiction films and education of the sciences. Two parallel schools that should/must meet in the classrooms
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Science Teacher Education
pp. 137-148
Science fiction cinema is an expression of art increasingly accessible to out teenagers and for them it has a special attraction. The seventh art productions are part of our young people's everyday life; also are part of a parallel school that goes along the formal school. The science teaching must have as goal the development of citizens: people who observe their reality should be able to use scientific knowledge, procedures and attitudes to be an active participant in the society. Within these goals set for science education and considering the influence of cinema has over conformation of the idea of the scientist and scientist's task; science fiction movies are an excellent didactic resource for science education, in general, and natural sciences, in particular. This work presents an educational way to use Jurassic Park movie; developed as part of the initial training of the Biology's teachers.Keywords
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