Scientific literacy in the pre-school level: first knowledge as tools for health promotion and prevention of Chagas disease


Article abstract page views:  2570  


Experiences, resources and other work
pp. 192-202
Published: 23-09-2015



In this paper, an educational experience carried out in four Kindergartens in a rural area in La Rioja province (Argentina) is described. This province is endemic for Chagas disease, considered one of the main public health problems in Latin America. The experience involved 198 pre-school students, aged between 3 and 5 years old. Children, through games and recreational activities, were exposed to scientific knowledge of transmission of this serious disease and how to prevent it. At the same time, the pupils learned typical proceedings of work in science, such as handling binocular loupe microscope, comparison and elaboration of conclusions based on guided inquiries. The conceptual contents developed were identify the insects that transmit the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, causal agent of Chagas disease. This aims to provide an innovative approach to the appropriation of behavioral patterns that favor the promotion of health through ludic practices and at the same time, getting the children approach science from the initial level.



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Author Biographies

Ivana Amelotti, CRILAR-CONICET

Mi nombre es Ivana, soy biologa, Doctora en Ciencias Biologicas y curso la carrera de Profesorador en Ciencias Biologicas. Trabajo en el CRILAR dependiente de CONICET como Investigadora y tengo a cargo la catedra "Seminario de Investigación Educativa" del Instituto Superior de formación Docente Madre Teresa de Calcuta. Recientemente comencé mi carrera docente en la Universidad Nacional de La Rioja (UNLAR).

María Laura Hernández, CRILAR- CONICET

La Dra. María Laura Hernández es Investigadora de CONICET y pertenece al grupo de Control de Vectores de Chagas de CRILAR.

Luciana Abrahan, CRILAR-CONICET

La Dra. María Laura Hernández es Investigadora de CONICET y pertenece al grupo de Control de Vectores de Chagas de CRILAR.

María José Cavallo, CRILAR-CONICET

La Biologa María José Cavallo desarrolla se tesis doctoral en el grupo de Control de Vectores de Chagas de CRILAR.


La Dra. Silvia Catalá es Investigadora de CONICET y pertenece al grupo de Control de Vectores de Chagas de CRILAR.