The relationship among beliefs about problem solving, epistemological beliefs, grade level, sex, and problem solving achievement: A study in secondary school
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The first purpuse of this investigation was to study the effects of gender and grade level on secondary students’ beliefs about epistemology and problem solving. The second purpuse was to analyze the contribution of both belief systems, grade level, and gender to problem solving achievement. One hundred and forty-four High School students, 9th and 11th grade students, took part in the study. Two questionnaires (Schommer and Stage- Kloosterman’s questionnaires) and a problem solving test (two word problems of the PISA tests) were administered to these students. Two ANOVAs, an ANCOVA, and a multiple regression analysis were carried out from data obtained in the investigation. In the light of the foregoing, it can be concluded that: a) The higher is the grade level of secondary students, the more appropriate are beliefs about epistemology and problem solving; b) Students’ gender has a significant influence on epistemological beliefs, but not on beliefs about problem solving; and c) Students’ problem solving achievement depends on grade level and their beliefs about problem solving, and these beliefs are themselves dependent on students’ epistemological beliefs.
Copyright (c) 2020 Javier Alabau Gonzalvo, Joan Josep Solaz-Portolés, Vicente Sanjosé López
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