Michelson and Morley's experiment in acoustic version, a university physics lab work based on inquiry learning
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This article reports a didactic experience in the university classroom within the framework of inquiry-based learning in the physics laboratory. The students generated new questions and hypotheses based on an already built experimental design: an acoustic ultrasound interferometer.To illustrate, two groups of students posed questions and hypotheses concerning the device and modified its original design. This work aspires to show the theoretical and methodological resources employed to develop an experimental wave physics class, making use of available material as well as training in competencies that are the makeing of future teachers or graduates in physical sciences.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Luis Jaime Bernal, Roberto Mariano Insabella, Jorge Nicolás López, Gabriel Horacio Pérez, Pablo Alejandro Sánchez, Horacio Tesolin, Esteban Guillermo Szigety
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