Comunication and cultural diversity. Attitudes and opinios about education community around the temporal classroom of lingüístic acceleration



Article abstract page views:  253  



Published: 01-05-2016



The present work emerges from the I+D+I Project “Building differences at the school. Studies of the evolution of the ATAL in Andalusia, their teachers and students”. In this case, we focus on a research done in a SemiD school in the province of Huelva included in the Compensatory Education Plan due to its high percentage of foreign students, which counts with the only permanent ATAL teacher of the aforesaid province. One of the main aims that are set out in the research, was to know the opinion of the different agents in the educational community with more attendance in the center (headmaster, counselor, Special Needs teacher and tutors) about the Intercultural Education and Diversity Awareness in the ATAL. For that, we have followed a qualitative methodology, specially based on the interview and participant observation. As main results, we noticed the ignorance, by all the agents, of the cultures present in the center and the lack of involvement in the school life, as well as the difficulties in the communication with the students and the foreign families which affects negatively the relationship and attitudes towards this collective in a high percentage. We can conclude, after this research process, that the communication problems due to the plurality of languages existing in the school influences unfavourably in the ambit and development of this education center.


ATAL, communication, Diversity, Intercultural Education


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Tilves, C., Gómez Hurtado, I., González Falcón, I., Moya, A. M., & Toscano Cruz, M. de la O. (2016). Comunication and cultural diversity. Attitudes and opinios about education community around the temporal classroom of lingüístic acceleration. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (12), 51–63.