Education and penitenciary treatment, a relation in orden to improve the prison`s social image



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Published: 30-05-2011


  • Pedro Pedro Valderrama Bares (ES) Universidad de Málaga


This article contents a few contributions made on the investigation included on the author’s thesis named: “Prison, power, conflict and citizenship, the reeducation function’s micropolicy”.

Starting from the relations between education and penitentiary treatment made from the legal and theoretical points of view about this complex relationship, which, among other purposes, is used to create the “social calm” to carry out the constitutional mandate that oriented the penalties of imprisonment to the functions of rehabilitation and social reintegration.

Thanks some media the “social calm” means compensation in front of another the image about prisons, where normally the breaking news is the gossip and violence on internal conflicts. All the ways, both positions mean independent areas about the day by day on prison, and contribute at the continuation of the general prevention and to consolidate a model of treatment that doesn’t give to us answers to the constitutional purposes.


Education, social education, penitentiary treatment, education on prisons.


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How to Cite

Pedro Valderrama Bares, P. (2011). Education and penitenciary treatment, a relation in orden to improve the prison`s social image. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (2), 83–94. Retrieved from


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