Análisis cognitivo-perceptivo de varias traducciones de un haiku japonés a partir de las elecciones de distintos tipos de receptor



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Published: 01-12-2022



This article studies several different speeches, but coincident in one essential aspect: they all constitute translations of the same haiku by Matsuo Bashō. These translations have been provided to readers of various age groups. These readers have been interviewed about their choices, and they have been asked to choose a translation and to explain the reasons for their choice. After analysing the results of the interviews, the tastes of each type of public are valued from the importance of the recipient in the reception of the speech. The choices are studied from Linguistics, and justified from a contextual, cognitive and perceptual approach. The work shows the relevance of these factors in the decisions made, as well as the transcendence of the role of the receptor in the translation.



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How to Cite

Montaner Montava, M. A. (2022). Análisis cognitivo-perceptivo de varias traducciones de un haiku japonés a partir de las elecciones de distintos tipos de receptor. Pragmalingüística, (30), 283–304.


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