organic school garden: an experience from Environmental Education in elementary school
The School Garden (HE) is an educational space that constitutes an area of opportunity, meeting and collaboration for the student-facilitator binomial to develop attitudes and skills around global environmental problems and their environment. An organic HE was designed through Environmental Education (EA) workshops that contribute to the acquisition of knowledge and skills development. We worked with 13 children in the sixth grade of primary school; a working meeting was generated to know through brainstorming the environmental problems that exist in the educational
center, once identified, EA workshops were designed and programmed through a didactic guide in order to introduce the student about the elements that make up an HE. Three EA workshops were designed that allowed students to acquire knowledge and develop environmental skills, attitudes and values, the first "Knowing my Garden", the second "Locating my garden" and the third "Composting". Finally, for the proposal and design of the garden, two workshops were scheduled, "Preparing my garden" and "Sowing my garden". The target population has the necessary tools from the EA to create and implement an HE.
Copyright (c) 2024 José Angel Vences Martínez, Lungo-Rodríguez Alejo Javier, Grecia Hernández Zamacona, Mendoza-Ramos Juan Ernesto, José Pepe Vargas Soberanis, Cipriano-Espino José Domingo
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