Instagram profiles in Real Betis Balompié: comparison of male and female profiles



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This study begins with a backward look to understand how we have reached the current digital era and comprehend the evolution that clubs have had to make. Real Betis Balompié is considered a benchmark in this regard, thanks to its communication strategy in networks. It has been analyzed how Real Betis Balompié makes proper use of digital marketing and advertising strategies, and how the club transfers this communication model on the Instagram profile of the men's team (@realbetisbalompie) to its other teams, hence the inclusion in this study of the female profile (@realbetisfem). The content published in these accounts has been studied, establishing the same parameters such as dates and categories to be analyzed in both profiles to obtain conclusive similarities and differences in terms of their communication style, focused on the style and marketing tools used (giveaways, sponsorships or promotions). The opinions of the public in general and their fans in particular have been taken into account, through their interactions on both profiles and asking them about what type of content they prefer to see on networks.



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How to Cite

Bachiller Herrero, E., Macías Varela, B., & Cano Tenorio, R. (2024). Instagram profiles in Real Betis Balompié: comparison of male and female profiles. Revista De Estudios Socioeducativos. ReSed, 1(12). Retrieved from


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