No. 13 (2005): The Inquisition and its echoes
Cuadernos de Ilustración y Romanticismo es la revista del Grupo de Estudios del Siglo XVIII de la Universidad de Cádiz (GES. XVIII) y se publica anualmente; en ella se recogen los sucesivos proyectos de investigación del grupo, así como colaboraciones externas de investigadores españoles e internacionales.
Monographic section
Joaquín Lorenzo Villanueva and the polemic about Bishop Gregoire’s 1798 letter against the Spanish Inquisition
The «citoyen» Grégoire and the pontifical reserves debate at the end of the 18th century
Inquisition and periodical press during the second half of the 18th century
When was the Inquisition abolished in Spain?
«The stakes go out»: the Inquisition in the poetry of the Gaditan press between 1811 and 1813
Gothics, translators and exiles. The literature about the Spanish Inquisition in England (1811-1827)
Inquisition, Protestants and Philip the II. Adolfo de Castro and National History as Black Legend