Epistolary communication as a plot in the stories of the seventh art





Published: 01-11-2020



Paper letters become faithful confidants of the protagonists in the cinema, being in certain arguments valuable sources of information. The study analyzes some films that have used letter communication in their stories and reflects on the educational and emotional value they bring. An extensive selection is made through the Internet Movie Date Base (IMDb) database of films involving letters. An analysis of the set of signs transmitting messages emitted through audiovisual discourse is developed. And reference is made to the methodological procedure used for a film from the theories on the filmic narrative and the semiotics of the story. This proposal is aimed at the educational field as it is increasingly detected that writing through technological devices generates difficulties in the processes of text composition and many spelling errors, including abbreviating words or not putting accents. Neuroeducation studies indicate that the mental representation of the letter trace (sensory-motor) helps to remember information better by activating more brain areas, something that is not achieved by typing.



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How to Cite

Grande-López, V. (2020). Epistolary communication as a plot in the stories of the seventh art. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (21), 32–43. https://doi.org/10.25267/Hachetetepe.2020.i21.4

Author Biography

Víctor Grande-López, University of Cadiz

Doctor in Communication (University of Cadiz) - Bachelor of Advertising and Public Relations (University of Cadiz) - Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate Vocational and Language Teaching (University of Cadiz) - Specialization in interpreting before the camera for film and television (Estudio 3, Madrid) - Diploma in Tourism (University of Cadiz). Author of articles on communication and education in national and international science journal. Research related to cognitive sciences, neuroeducation, educommunication and media literacy. Engaged in projects with universities in different countries on the importance of imagination from an educational approach and learning through emotion to improve values, attitudes and skills that contribute to the social and personal well-being of students. One of the last works from the theoretical-practical field of educommunication has been with journalism students from the Faculty of Communication of the University of Havana (Cuba) and students of sociology from the Autonomous University of Mexico.


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