Online intervention programme in times of pandemic for university students with visual impairment




Published: 08-04-2022



Attention to people with disabilities, in this case visual impairment, is particularly relevant to achieve an inclusive educational context in any university. During the period of confinement and social distancing of the current pandemic, it was necessary to adapt the face-to-face psychoeducational counselling programmes to their needs. The purpose of this paper is to present the whole process followed in the virtual reorganisation of a care programme for visually impaired students developed at the Student Support Centre of the University of Alicante. A design-based methodology based on educational practice has been used. The results confirmed that the new counselling in the online format fostered a stimulating environment with highly active interactions between counsellor and students, self-regulation conducive to learning and interpersonal and communication skills using the virtual format. It was concluded that proper planning, development and evaluation of such programmes can enrich the psychosocial and educational development of students. However, more progress needs to be made in the digitalisation of university counselling and to strengthen the online modality in the current context of a 21st century technological society.



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Supporting Agencies  

This research has been funded by the Vice-Rectorate for Research of the University of Alicante (PPVI AII-Aid for Official Master's Studies and Initiation to Research 2021), project reference number AII21-14.

How to Cite

Martinez-Roig, R., & Martínez Maciá, D. (2022). Online intervention programme in times of pandemic for university students with visual impairment. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (24), 1206.

Author Biographies

Rosabel Martinez-Roig, Universidad de Alicante

Associate Professor in the Department of General Didactics and Specific Didactics (DDGDE) at the University of Alicante (UA). She has a degree in Primary Education Teaching from the UA (special degree award) and a degree in Psychology from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) (psychologist number CV16700). She has been a collaboration grant holder (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Spain) in the DDGDE of the UA and is a member of the research group GIDU-EDUTIC/IN (Research Group on University Teaching-Education and Information and Communication Technologies. Inclusive Education) (VIGROB-330) of the UA. She is the author of several scientific publications such as "Children's Youtubers in initial teacher training. New forms of orality and writing" (2020) and has given workshops for teachers (e.g. "Gamification in the classroom with Genially").

Domingo Martínez Maciá, Universidad de Alicante

Technician at the Student Support Centre of the University of Alicante (CAE). Degree in Psychology (University of Valencia). Master in Human Resources (ESCI-Valencia). Member of the Standing Committee of the SAPDU Network: Network of Services for People with Disabilities in Universities. Vice-president of AESPPU: Spanish Association of University Psychological and Psychopedagogical Services. Member of the CARISMA research group: Attention to the development of talents and abilities in the university environment: integration, innovation and evaluation.


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