Strategies for Structuring the Discourse of Spanish YouTubers
This article aims to study the mechanisms used by YouTube content creators to segment their discourses into sections and paragraphs. These messages have some particularities. Firstly, they are produced in an oral medium, and, therefore, the graphic segmentation mechanisms of written texts are not observed. On the other hand, they are asynchronous, which entails more planning than informal conversations. By analyzing four popular divulgation videos uploaded by four different content creators, we found that the combination of thematic, discursive syntax, interactive, and multimodal criteria is useful to propose a segmentation of these discourses in sections and paragraphs. All this shows how content creators exploit the possibilities of the digital medium to structure the information in their messages and adjust them to their communicative intentions.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Irene Martín del Barrio
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