El significado interaccional como base para la relación entre estructuras lingüísticas y funciones comunicativas



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Published: 01-12-2022



The concretion of the speech acts that allow intentional communication between members of the same community of speakers can be formalized with the use of different sequences of linguistic units within the same language, so that communicative events such as the transmission of an order are likely to be encoded in more than one way by the speaker. This fact falls into special relevance in the field of language teaching, where the learner must be able to identify the opportunity to use one or another sequence of linguistic units in the codification of each specific speech act. The present work will take as a basis the distinction between the transactional and the interactional meaning of Geis to offer a proposal in which the differences of interactional meaning that occurs between sequences of linguistic units used for the communication of the same speech act in Spanish are identified. For the development of the practical part, some of those that the Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes considers as “communicative functions” at the same level of learning will be taken and the linguistic sequences associated with them will be analysed, establishing the differences in interactional meaning that can occur between them. These differences will be determined using the concept of “image” of Brown and Levinson.



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How to Cite

Campos Carrasco, N., & Péculo Domínguez, P. (2022). El significado interaccional como base para la relación entre estructuras lingüísticas y funciones comunicativas. Pragmalingüística, (30), 47–70. https://doi.org/10.25267/Pragmalinguistica.2022.i30.03


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