The role of bookseller, or how Caperucita escapes from the wolf



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Published: 31-05-2021


  • Julia Gómez Sánchez (ES) Librera, propietaria de El Árbol de la Palabras


This paper overviews some elements that take influence into the reading in the society from the bookseller’s point of view. It aims to reinforce the figure of the bookseller, different from the dispenser of books, and to enhance its work. Nowadays, taking into account the excess of information and stimuli to which are subject to daily, the mediator role of the bookseller is necessary, in order to advise, promote and propose the type of reading that best accommodates to the interests and evolutionary process of the reader. The libraries, as cultural space, meet a critical function in a society that chokes to the small trade, where the price is above the attention, the environment and the cultural experience.



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How to Cite

Gómez Sánchez, J. (2021). The role of bookseller, or how Caperucita escapes from the wolf. Revista De Estudios Socioeducativos. ReSed, 1(4). Retrieved from


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