An unpublished method for learning Algerian Arabic written in Mostaganem in the 1970s: Presentation, context and linguistic study.




Published: 03-08-2021


  • Francisco MOSCOSO GARCÍA (ES) Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


This article presents an unpublished method used in the teaching of Algerian Arabic in the diocese of Oran. It was developed in Mostaganem between 1970 and 1978 by three priests. We present the genesis of the work, placing it in the context in which a second method, kama:l, and some compilations of texts in modern Algerian Arabic were developed. Finally, the most relevant linguistic features are presented.



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How to Cite

MOSCOSO GARCÍA, F. (2021). An unpublished method for learning Algerian Arabic written in Mostaganem in the 1970s: Presentation, context and linguistic study. Al-Andalus Magreb, 104.


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