The Master of Pre-service Secondary Teacher Training and the pedagogical content knowledge of the future Science, Mathematics and Technology teachers

Article abstract page views:  911  


Structure and Implementation of the Master of Teaching
pp. 568-581
Published: 05-01-2013
  • Jenaro Guisasola
  • José Ignacio Barragués (ES) Coordinador del módulo específico de CC.NN y Matemáticas del MFPS. UPV-EHU
  • Mikel Garmendia (ES) Coordinador del módulo específico de Tecnología del MFPS. UPV-EHU


The goals of this study were: (a) identify the most important principles of a program of pre-service secondary science teacher training, (b) identify the knowledge structures that have built future secondary science teachers about teaching and learning science. The study is based on the principles of teacher cognition in the sense that teachers build their own schedules from their experiences in order to understand, plan and respond to the dynamics of the classroom. This qualitative study consisted of interviews and observations of four pre-service science teachers, and an analysis of the initial training they have received. The analysis of the data was done by combining analytic induction methods of unique case and cross-cases. With the obtained data, it can be concluded that some aspects of the initial training program were adopted, such as student-centered learning, cooperative learning, and general pedagogical knowledge. However, the degree of adoption in practice appears to be associated with other more meaningful learning experiences of the people and the limitations of the school environment.

