Audiovisual literacy activity to develop intercultural awareness and encouraging literacy
Given the current need for implementation of Audiovisual Literacy in the educational system, as a part of Media and Information Literacy (UNESCO, 2011), in this paper our interest focuses on sharing the methodology and results of an activity which pursues training of critical thinking and the transformation of the self- perception of students, together withthe formal knowledge of specific features of audiovisual language and motivation to creative writing and reading, amongother goals. Applied at different learning contexts, school and university students from different academic disciplineshave examined, through discourse analysis of the documentary Maldita calle (Damn street), the harsh life circumstancesof children trying to survive in Moroccan cities streets, from its own voice and from writer’s Mohamed Choukri. The case we shared was developed with a group of first year students in Adult Secondary Education, diverse culturally, but with the commonalities of belonging to family groups in economic difficulties and very low or basic level in the scholar curriculum subjects. The activity took place in the context of the subject of Language and Literature. Lean out realityby interweaving different topics of current interest, such as social exclusion, migration, drug addiction, sexual exploitation, education, feelings, resilience, reading, creative writing,... and addressing it by observing the processes and ways in which the audiovisual creation is providing to us, it has allowed us to check the strength and depth of meaning with that an educational activity can make progress on Multimodal Literacy and student self-discovery.
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