The permanent communication. When technologies will no longer be new



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Published: 01-11-2015



Digital communication can generate knowledge fostering a progress never happened before in human history or (it is the dominant practice today) it can help creating the accumulation of power in very few hands supporting the spread of ignorance. The digital computer and the digital nature are destined to meet each other when the current new technologies will be incredibly old. As well as the imaginary and the real. The augmented reality is only the prehistory of this. To get to the point and benefit for the future of our humanism is necessary to overcome the current opposition/contrast between symbolic and physical processing, working on a vision generating communication and focusing on the relationship between inner and mental text and the empirical and social one.


Reality, digital, augmented reality, knowledge, new technologies, old media


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How to Cite

Toschi, L. (2015). The permanent communication. When technologies will no longer be new. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (11), 15–28. Retrieved from


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