Opening Doors: Municipal Programme for Educative Development

The follow forms a part of an educative development initiative which is part of Local Administration in collaboration with Non-Governmental Organizations for Development (ONGD, Spanish initials) and secondary schools. For this reason we shall situate these non-profit organizations within the frame of administration and educative development within secondary schools. ‘Opening Doors’ is an initiative that has been functioning now for seven years, under the auspicious of the Social Cooperation, Cádiz Town Hall. The objectives of this programme is to showcase to the general public the different international projects that the Cádiz town hall is currently involved in, through distinct audio-visual and written discourses. We feel it is important that young people should be aware of the distinct initiatives that the citizens of Cádiz are involved in other parts of the globe, and in this way foment values such as empathy for distinct and complex social realities.
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