Covid-19, the engine of change in the greatest educational transformation in recent centuries




Published: 21-09-2021




The changes in the time of COVID have transformed educational communication to unsuspected limits. Technology has taken over the educational literature or literary discourse of education to the point of disfiguring it, upsetting the traditional vision of schools and metamorphosing even the development of teachers and their habits, so that, some habits have disappeared and others have been transformed by adopting 180 degree turns. The objective of this study is to demonstrate how one of the greatest educational transformations in recent centuries is experienced. The methodology to prepare this work has a mixed character, but much more qualitative than quantitative, and the tools are articles published almost all throughout 2020, as well as direct observations of one's own experience in the field of education, which is where recent data could be extracted. The rest is part of the research experience and knowledge as a university educator. Thus, the end of the classroom-based education system may be near. Before that, however, we will likely see a purely hybrid model of education, as can be deduced from the comparison and exemplification of education systems from various countries in different parts of the world.



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How to Cite

Rodríguez Jiménez, A. (2021). Covid-19, the engine of change in the greatest educational transformation in recent centuries. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (23), 2203.

Author Biography

Antonio Rodríguez Jiménez, Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara

 He has a doctorate in Literature Theory and Comparative Literature, a journalist and a degree in Hispanic Philology. He currently works as a professor of Methodology in the Department of Humanities of the Autonomous University of Guadalajara. He was distinguished by Conacyt as a National Researcher Level I of the SNI. He has more than 60 books to his credit. He has published numerous research studies, in addition to creative literature such as poetry, narrative, and essays. He is currently preparing a book on creative processes applied to literature, science and the arts, and another on The literature of educational epistemology. He is a permanent academic of the Hispano-American Academy of Good Letters based in Madrid and Argentina. He has supervised bachelor's, master's and doctoral theses and has taught numerous postgraduate courses and careers in Research Methodology and thesis seminars. He is an expert in writing scientific research and has taught classes in Critical Thinking, Cultural Journalism, Oral and Written Communication. Linguistics and other subjects.

For 23 years, he has coordinated the cultural supplement Cuadernos del Sur (National Prize for the Promotion of Reading 2009), as well as the cultural magazine of Onda Mezquita TV El Puente de la Luz. For more than two decades he has been head of culture at Diario Córdoba. He has also worked for many years as a cultural manager. From 2010 to 2013 he has been director of the Cervantes Institute of Fez (Morocco). His work has received various awards. He publishes in various international indexed magazines.



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