
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submitted paper is original and unpublished and is not being reviewed by another journal.

  • The file submitted is in Microsoft Word format (.docx) or Open Document Format (odt).

  • Complete and up-to-date information on the authors of the paper has been provided. The full name, institutional affiliation (developed name without acronyms), country and e-mail address.

  • The text complies with all the formal requirements and follows the format for bibliographical references indicated in the author guidelines.

  • The DOI or, failing that, the web addresses of references have been added where possible.

  • The title, abstract and 5 keywords in English, French and Spanish are included and the abstract does not exceed 150 words in any language.

  • If you wish to withdraw your publication proposal, you commit to informing the journal in writing at the earliest opportunity.

  • If you are submitting a manuscript for a section of the journal subject to peer review, ensure that the file submitted preserves the anonymity of the authors in every sense.

Author Guidelines

The journal Pragmalingüística publishes original scientific contributions, aimed at researchers and professionals interested in advances in linguistics, pragmatics, cognition and discourse. The Editorial Board, with the assistance of the Advisory Board and specialists from outside the University of Cadiz, assesses the original articles submitted and approves their acceptance or rejection for publication.


Articles must be submitted through the journal's website (, during the annual call for papers (from 15 September to 15 October).

Reviews are accepted throughout the year, unless otherwise indicated.


The general requirements to be met by the works submitted to the journal are as follows:

  1. Submission procedure. Submissions will be made through the journal's platform during the stipulated reception period. To do so, it is necessary to log in, if you are already registered, or to register.
  2. Originality. Articles must be original. They must not have been previously published or be under evaluation by another journal. As indicated in the anti-plagiarism policy, manuscripts received will be subject to an anti-plagiarism check during the formal review prior to peer review.
  3. Language. Submissions are accepted in English, French and Spanish.
  4. Authorship. During the manuscript submission process, the contact details of ALL AUTHORS must be provided: first and last name, affiliation (full, no acronyms), e-mail address and country.
  5. Metadata. During the submission process, the fields title, abstract and keywords must also be filled in, all of them in English, Spanish and French. Abstracts must never exceed 150 words and the keywords must be five. In the section of the metadata dedicated to bibliographic references, a blank line must separate each of them.
  6. Anonymisation. Papers submitted to peer-reviewed sections must be anonymised. The name of the authors must not appear (it will be replaced by "AUTHOR"), nor their affiliation, nor any data related to projects, grants, funding sources or any other data that could allow them to be identified.


Articles will be headed by the title of the article, in English, Spanish and French. This will be followed by the abstract and keywords, also in the three languages. The abstract should not exceed 150 words (in each language) and should clearly state the objectives and results of the work and, if necessary, the methodology used. The keywords must be 5 and must be separated by a semicolon. The keywords should be followed by a summary of the sections (and subsections, if applicable) of the paper, in the three languages.

Reviews should be headed with the surname and first name of the author of the work being reviewed, followed by the year in brackets. This is followed by the title of the work being reviewed (in italics), followed by the publisher and place of publication, as well as the ISBN and the number of pages of the work. The name and surname of the author of the review should be included at the end of the review, as the review does not undergo blind peer review. The author's e-mail address, affiliation and ORCID should also be indicated.

The extension of the articles (single-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt) should be no less than 12 pages and no more than 20 pages (approximately 10,000 words maximum). Longer articles may be accepted only in exceptional cases. Reviews, also single-spaced, should be around four to five pages in length (approximately 2000 words).

Texts should be presented according to the following typographical specifications:

  • Title of the paper: lower case, regular, Times New Roman (12 pt).
  • Headings "Resumen", "Résumé", "Abstract", "Palabras clave", "Mots-clés", "Keywords", "Sumario", "Sommaire" and "Summary": initial capital letters, bold, Times New Roman (12 pt).
  • Contents of abstracts, keywords and contents of the summary: lower case, regular and Times New Roman (12 pt).
  • Titles of tables, illustrations and graphs, captions of tables, illustrations and graphs: lowercase, regular and Times New Roman (10 pt).
  • Footnotes: Times New Roman (10 pt).
  • Paragraphs (except the first paragraph of each section) should begin with a 1 cm indentation on the first line.
  • Titles of annexes and appendices: lower case, bold and Times New Roman (12 pt).
  • All text should be justified, except for the titles of tables, graphs, charts, etc., which should be centred.
  • Bold and underlined text is not allowed, unless it is part of textual quotations.
  • In texts structured in several sections and sub-sections, headings should be preceded by the corresponding numerical or alphanumeric indication, as appropriate. Footnotes should be indicated by the number of the footnote in the appropriate place in the text.

Quotations of less than three lines should remain within the paragraph and should be enclosed in quotation marks (" "). Longer quotations should be in a separate paragraph, indented by 1 cm, without quotation marks and in Times New Roman (10 pt), separated by a blank line from both the preceding and following paragraphs.

Examples, if any, should be introduced in the following way: if they are sentences or fragments, double inverted commas should be used; if they are single words or single terms, in italics, and if they are concepts or marks, with single inverted commas. In all cases, they should be numbered, with the number in brackets, and separated from the preceding and following paragraphs by a blank line.

Documentary and bibliographical references cited both in the body of the text and in the footnotes should be presented as follows:

  • The author's last name(s) should be given, in parentheses if necessary, followed by the year of publication and, after a colon, the number of the page cited or the page range: (Kabatek, 2017: 35-36).
  • In the case of referring to more than one work by the same author and year, lowercase letters should be used after the date: (Fuentes Rodríguez, 2016a: 14-15) / (Fuentes Rodríguez, 2016b: 29).
  • If the work has two authors, "&" should be used before the surname of the last author: (Anscombre & Ducrot, 1983: 58).
  • If the work cited has more than three authors, only the first author should be included followed by et al. in italics: (Cabrè et al., 2002: 167).

References section. All documents cited must be included in the references section, which will be inserted at the end of the text, under the heading "References", with the following format:

  • Books:
    • LEVINSON, S. C. (2000): Presumptive Meaning. The Theory of Generalized Conversational Implicature, Cambridge/Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    • The surname(s) of all authors should appear, separated by commas. The last author's surname should be preceded by "&":
      • BROWN, G. & LEVINSON, S. (1987): Some Universals in Language Use, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Journal articles:
    • COHEN, A. & OLSHTAIN, E. (1981): 'Developing a Measure of Sociocultural Competence: The Case of Apology', Language Learning, 31(1), pp. 113-134.
  • Book chapters:
    • ALONSO-ALMEIDA, F. & CARRIÓ-PASTOR, M. L. (2017): “Variation and Function of Modals in Linguistics and Engineering Research Papers in English”, Marín-Arrese, J. I., Lavid-López, J., Carretero, M., Domínguez Romero, E., Martín de la Rosa, M. V. & Pérez Blanco, M. (eds.), Evidentiality and Modality in European Languages. Discourse-Pragmatic Perspectives, Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 277-311.
  • Contributions to conference proceedings:
    • BRIZ, A. (1995): “La atenuación en la conversación coloquial. Una categoría pragmática”, Cortés, L. (ed.), El español coloquial: actas del I Simposio sobre Análisis del Discurso Oral, Almería: Universidad de Almería, pp. 103-122.
  • Reviews:
    • DE ARCOS PASTOR, A. (2020): “Review of Penas Ibáñez, M.ª Azucena (2018): El cibertexto y el ciberlenguaje", Pragmalingüística, (28), pp. 276-280.

If the document has a DOI, it should be included. If it does not have a DOI but is available online, the url and date of consultation should be indicated. Examples:

  • (Date of consultation: 26/10/2010).

If more than one reference by the same author is added, the author data will be repeated (SURNAME, Initial) and ordered chronologically.

These references will also be added in the "Citations" section of the submission through the web platform, leaving a blank line between them.

Articles lacking the necessary documentary and bibliographical references will not be accepted.

The journal Pragmalingüística has published, in its 30 issues, important contributions to many different fields of linguistics, especially on pragmatics and discourse analysis. We invite authors to consult them and take them into account in their documentation. You can search by author or keyword using the search engine or consult the latest issues.

Tables and graphs. Only tables and graphs considered essential for the understanding of the articles will be published. IMPORTANT: tables and graphs must be editable, in order to unify them with the final style of the journal. They will be inserted in the document and will also be attached in separate files, which will be sent through the journal's platform at the same time as the main file of the article. They must be accompanied by a title and an explanatory caption indicating their source.

Images. Only images that are considered essential for the understanding of the articles will be published. Illustrations protected by copyright will not be accepted. They must be accompanied by a title and an explanatory caption indicating their source. IMPORTANT: images must be embedded in the article file, but must also be sent separately, through the platform, not embedded in any file, but in their original format (.gif, .jpg or .tiff). They must have a minimum resolution of 150 ppp and a minimum width of 12 cm.

In cases where the work does not comply with the rules for the publication of originals, it will be automatically rejected.

The Editorial Board of the journal will acknowledge receipt of the originals by e-mail.

Articles received that comply with the rules will be evaluated anonymously by two reviewers and, once evaluated, the authors will be informed of the acceptance or rejection of the original. Both reports, if applicable, must be positive for the article to be published; if only one is positive, the text will be sent to a third reviewer and his or her opinion will decide. The Editorial Board's decision may be subject to the introduction of modifications to the original text.

The opinions expressed in the articles are solely those of their respective authors. The author of the text is responsible for respecting intellectual property rights when reproducing material that is not his/her own. The submission of an original article to the journal Pragmalingüística implies the acceptance of all these rules by the author.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

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