Reading labels of red wines from Ribera del Duero: toward poetic “anti-language” in the wine tasting notes as advertising subgender



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Published: 01-12-2021



In this article, bottle labels are analyzed as one of the types of the advertising subgenre of tasting notes. The purpose is to describe its poetic “anti-language” at the orthographic, morphosyntactic, lexical-semantic, rhetorical, pragmatic and structural levels. For this, a sample of 26 tasting notes is used. This sample belongs to 14 wines of the denomination of origin Ribera del Duero. These wines correspond to crops between 2010 and 2016 and are available in supermarkets and stores in Costa Rica. It is concluded that the poetic “anti-language” of bottle labels as wine tasting notes is characterized by a significant linguistic richness and a varied terminology. These allow to express connotatively and subjectively the organoleptic properties of wine as a living being, rather than as an object or food.



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How to Cite

Campos Lopez, R. (2021). Reading labels of red wines from Ribera del Duero: toward poetic “anti-language” in the wine tasting notes as advertising subgender. Pragmalingüística, (29), 80–109.


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