The case of Paola Guzman Albarracin, child sexual violence in the educational field in Ecuador.

“Miradas” María Jesús Bernal (Ati Bernal)


Article abstract page views:  1428  


Sección 2: Textos
Published: 20-05-2021



The objective of this work is to reflect on the importance of education for girls and women in Latin America and the Caribbean, through the analysis of the first judgment of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, regarding acts of sexual violence in the educational field, in which international responsibility is attributed to Ecuador. It’s about Paola, a girl victim of sexual violence at school, the main facts and arguments are addressed, to show the need to promote education in real equality from all possible trenches, especially in the pandemic scenario that we are going through.



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How to Cite

Palomo Caudillo, C. (2021). The case of Paola Guzman Albarracin, child sexual violence in the educational field in Ecuador. Revista De Estudios Socioeducativos. ReSed, (9). Retrieved from


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