The case of Rachida: the hard way to equality for muslim women in the secular France
This article is based on a research work entitled “A glance throughthe veil. Getting to know the French students with Muslim tradition” developed during several stays at the Université Paris Nanterre between the academic years of 2016-2017 and 2019-2020, sponsored by the Research Plan of the University of Cadiz. The goal of this study was to directly listen to college French Muslim women, so as to show how they perceive themselves, avoiding stereotypes and dominant prejudice, which usually lead them to exclusion. Finally, the investigation was focused on 10 students from the field of Social Science studies, of or about 20 years of age,. We will specifically develop Rachida´s case, a young woman that, with a speech similar to that of her companions, stands out for her reflective attitude, critical spirit and social compromise. Rachida´s experiences and grounded analysis of reality offer us a wide and deep perspective of the complicated situation Muslim women find themselves in France.
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