The personal literary corpus of the students of the last course of Pre-school education. Results of a study



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Sección 1: Ensayos
Published: 31-05-2021



This paper analyzes the main results of a study performed during the academic year 2014/2015 to the students who were registered and studying the subject 'Children’s literature and promotion of the reading of the degree in Pre-school education. They were requested to select five books that, from their point of view, needed to be in their classrooms libraries, always arguing the election. Thanks to this data we discovered the titles, genres and authors with an eventual greater presence in the classroom, as well as the reasons why the future teachers prefer certain works. We also offer as annexes a sampling of the set of publishers and authors that were present in the full selection of students.



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How to Cite

Sánchez Hita, B., & Sánchez Vera, L. (2021). The personal literary corpus of the students of the last course of Pre-school education. Results of a study. Revista De Estudios Socioeducativos. ReSed, 1(4). Retrieved from


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