Letters between social educators in Latin America: understanding of the historical moment lived



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Published: 14-05-2020



The objective of this article is to understand the historical context in Latin America by establishing a relationship with social education through the exchange of letters between three social educators, Latin Americans, who work in the area of social education in Brazil and Uruguay, academic women and with A strong political and educational commitment to the popular classes, this article is designed to encourage other reflections on the processes of social education.In this article we will have the narrative as a methodological option, since we understand that it is full of singular meanings, which allow problematization, understanding and reveal certain phenomena, in this case, on social education, historical events are woven from from parts existentially selected by the narrators "[...] therefore, the narrative is not just the product of um" to tell ", she also has a power of effect on what she narrates" (Delory, 2012, p. 82).


Historical context, social education, women, narrative, politics.


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How to Cite

González, L. D. R., Schettini Castro, M. R., & Paiva, J. S. (2020). Letters between social educators in Latin America: understanding of the historical moment lived. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (20), 86–92. https://doi.org/10.25267/Hachetetepe.2020.i20.10


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