How to make advertising wake up from the sexist coma



Article abstract page views:  1171  



Published: 26-05-2019



Advertising is a reflection of what happens in its place of origin and a country in which 144 femicides took place this year, an average of 70 women are raped every day and ranks second in America in cases of sexual harassment, what we can wait is predictable. Advertising agencies, historically, are and always have been places dominated by men. There may be an equal number of women and men working, but the mechanisms they use to drive women away and remind them that this is not their place range from sexist jokes, double-sided comments and sexual harassment. We can not expect that there is an ethically responsible or inclusive advertising if in the traditional structures of advertising agencies these coward acts are allowed, if women are not heard included and respected, and if a gender approach is not implemented


Advertising, sexism, agency, gender, creativity, creative women, harresement, Peru


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How to Cite

Lorenzo Guevara, A. (2019). How to make advertising wake up from the sexist coma. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (18), 91–97.

Author Biography

Adriana Lorenzo Guevara, Publicista

Advertising is a reflection of what happens in its place of origin and a country in which 144 femicides took place this year, an average of 70 women are raped every day and ranks second in America in cases of sexual harassment, what we can wait is predictable. Advertising agencies, historically, are and always have been places dominated by men. There may be an equal number of women and men working, but the mechanisms they use to drive women away and remind them that this is not their place range from sexist jokes, double-sided comments and sexual harassment. We can not expect that there is an ethically responsible or inclusive advertising if in the traditional structures of advertising agencies these coward acts are allowed, if women are not heard included and respected, and if a gender approach is not implemented.


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