Fiction to communicate, fantasy to educate: an identity that remains, a difference that transforms



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Published: 01-11-2018


  • Marta Ofelia Chaile (AR) Consejo de Investigación de la Universidad Nacional de Salta


This work deals with the particular cultural way of spreading fantasy and fiction through legends and stories in the interior of Argentina, through the animistic and imaginary stories that emerge from its folk.

The aforementioned cultural identity is renewed by the task of a writer who, however, achieves the pedagogical plus of capturing interest in reading in children, youths, and the community about an elf, using the book format combined with attractive techno-electronic devices.

An interview is conducted with the author, who provides more details about his road map to spread this democratic literary genre.

The present article shows the interplay between the conceptual opposites of identity and difference, fantasy and fiction in relation to geography, history and its characters, as well as the complementarity between communication and education, stemming from both classroom and non-formal practices.


Legends, elf, identity, education and communication, difference


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How to Cite

Chaile, M. O. (2018). Fiction to communicate, fantasy to educate: an identity that remains, a difference that transforms. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (17), 59–69.


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