Public history: communication and historical education



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Published: 01-05-2017


  • Marta Gouveia de Oliveira Rovai (BR) Universidad Federal de Alfenas


This article is intended to introduce the concept and practices of public history as a new positioning of the historical science in dialogue with communications professionals, to produce and disseminate human experiences. For this, discussed the origin of the concept of public history and the different forms of historical education to the use of new technologies can provide (including the Internet). In this regard, it invites the reader to reflect on possibilities for advertising and the democratization of historical knowledge and culture, for the expansion of opportunity of production, dissemination and public access to different forms of experiences in time. The article also intends to call the dangers of productions presented exclusively to the market that transform the popularization of history on the strengthening of the cultural stigmas care professionals dealing with history and communication.



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How to Cite

Rovai, M. G. de O. (2017). Public history: communication and historical education. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (14), 13–26.


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