Photography: From a Qualitative Research Model to Training in Environmental Education



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Published: 01-05-2013



This works begins by establishing the relevance of photography as a tool to analyze and garnish information in qualitative research. In this respect, we set out to analyze the application of photography within an educative experience which has been designed on a post-graduate course. The Master in Environmental Teaching in an inter-university programme in which various Andalucian universities participate. This Master relies heavily on information and communication technologies, and uses the virtual platform Moodle. On the other hand, it also uses virtual teaching methods through  Adobe Connect Pro Meeting videoconferencing. All the campuses involved in this project can thus be connected in real time and the students can participate simultaneously in the development of the classes. The use of photography in a teaching experience at a post-graduate level shows the potential of this technique in fomenting participative, cooperative and meaningful learning.


Photography, environmental education, b-learning, digital platforms for learning, participative learning


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How to Cite

Tójar Hurtado, J. C., & Rodríguez, M. (2013). Photography: From a Qualitative Research Model to Training in Environmental Education. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (6), 27–35. Retrieved from


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