Devuélveme la voz. Radio Project From the University of Alicante



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Published: 01-11-2012




 The sound repositories are in danger of disappearance and permanent loss. The most usual support on which they were recorded, magnetic tapes or vinyl records, have a limited life. That’s why it is necessary to make a selection process and a change from analog to digital media to ensure its preservation. This need created the project of the University of Alicante Devuélveme la Voz in which the tape donation donated to the University by the marriage of Antonio Ramírez and Adelita del Campo were digitised. 

The tapes of major historical value have been supplemented by others from the sound library of Radio Alcoy Cadena SER to create a sound portal for supporting research and knownledge of the times of Franco and the Spanish Democratic Transition. 


Broadcasting, Media, Exile, dictatorship, Franco regime, Sound Files, digitization


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How to Cite

Rojas Claros, F., & García Rico, E. (2012). Devuélveme la voz. Radio Project From the University of Alicante. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (5), 97–104.


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