Homophobic cyberbullying in Primary Education: towards a school free of homophobia





Published: 20-07-2021



In recent years, cyberbullying has increased alarmingly, due to the constant evolution of technology, together with the ever-decreasing age of access to technological devices. In addition, anonymity, and the lack of direct and immediate perception of the damage caused, make homophobic cyberbullying a great challenge that schools must overcome and provide answers to. We need to listen to the experiences and emotions of students who have been harassed for their sexual orientation in the school setting through technological devices. The objective of this article is to learn about the several consequences caused by homophobic cyberbullying. For this purpose, the biographical narrative methodology is used to give a voice to a sixth-grade student of Primary Education who has suffered homophobic cyberbullying by some of his classmates.



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How to Cite

Sánchez-Torrejón, B. ., & Mestre Malfran, Y. . (2021). Homophobic cyberbullying in Primary Education: towards a school free of homophobia. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (23), 2202. https://doi.org/10.25267/Hachetetepe.2021.i23.2202

Author Biographies

Begoña Sánchez-Torrejón, Universidad de Cádiz

Professor of the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Cádiz. Degree in Pedagogy (University of Granada). Master in Gender, Identity and Citizenship (University of Cádiz. Doctor in Art and Humanities (University of Cádiz). Member of RED LIESS: Ibero-American Network for the Socio-historical Study of Sexualities. Advisor to the Independent Council for the Protection of Children (Spain). Member of the Ibero-American Network on Social Sciences with a gender perspective (RED HILA). Member of the research group for communication media and education (EDUCOM) HUM818.

Yarlenis Mestre Malfran, Universidad de La Habana

Professor, researcher and feminist. Graduated in Psychology, at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Universidad de Oriente (UO), 1999. Master in Community Intervention by the National Center for Sexual Education, Havana, 2004. Doctor in Interdisciplinary Studies in Sciences Humanas by the Faculty of Philosophy and Human Sciences of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil (2017-2021). Expert in gender studies, feminisms, public health policies, sexual citizenship, queer and decolonial studies.



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