Publishing for children's education: an opportunity in times of pandemic




Published: 10-01-2022



Digital teaching materials offer new prisms from which to learn, taking advantage of the potential of technology to make learning processes ubiquitous. In this way, formal learning is extended to spaces beyond the school, consolidating alternatives so as not to halt training processes in times of pandemic. From this perspective, this paper analyses the characteristics of a selection of digital teaching materials for the Early Childhood Education stage from three publishers that can be used in the context of the home. Through their link with the curriculum, the impact on learning and other didactic characteristics. The results show that, in general, the publishers are committed to providing the digital materials with a playful purpose as opposed to the physical format of the school environment, leaving the pedagogical potential in the background. Thus, although the materials are attractive, interactive and coherent with the curriculum, there is room for improvement in terms of their adaptability for inclusion or attention to diversity. This helps to identify that, although they are useful resources in times of pandemic, it is still open as a future line of work to provide materials with greater pedagogical potential.



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Supporting Agencies  

This research was funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the State Research Agency (AEI), whose project reference number is RTI2018-093397-B-I00.

How to Cite

Navarro Sánchez, S., Gabarda Méndez, V. ., Marín Suelves, D., & Romero Rodrigo, M. M. (2022). Publishing for children’s education: an opportunity in times of pandemic. Hachetetepé. Scientific Journal of Education and Communication, (24), 1103.

Author Biographies

Sandra Navarro Sánchez, Universitat de València

Degree in Early Childhood Education (2017). Master's Degree in Psychopedagogy (2020) with extraordinary award. Currently PhD in Education at the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences, in the Department of Didactics and School Organization. Participation in innovation and research projects funded in national calls in R+D+i, research fellow and member of the research group CRIE (Curriculum, Resources and Educational Institutions, GIUV2013-105) of the University of Valencia. In addition, I have participated and presented papers and communications at international conferences and collaborated in scientific journals such as Contextos Educativos. The topics on which I have focused my professional development so far have been the attention to diversity, specific educational support needs, ICT skills and the analysis of materials in Early Childhood Education.

Vicente Gabarda Méndez, Universitat de València

PhD in Social and Political Studies of Education. Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teaching and Degree in Pedagogy. Assistant Professor at the Department of Didactics and School Organisation at the University of Valencia. Experience in teaching and university management, managing programmes and departments and implementing teaching innovation projects in face-to-face and virtual environments. His lines of research focus on teacher training, curricular integration of Information and Communication Technologies and educational innovation. She is a member of the CRIE research group (Curriculum, Resources and Educational Institutions, GIUV2013-105) of the University of Valencia and of the Research Group on Educational Innovation and Technology -INNOEDUCA- of the University of Malaga (consolidated group of the Andalusian Regional Government SEJ-533).

Diana Marín Suelves, Universitat de València

I am a lecturer in the Department of Didactics and School Organisation at the University of Valencia. After studying Psychology (2003), Psychopedagogy (2004) and Teaching (2006) with an extraordinary award, I completed my doctoral thesis in the field of Social Psychology (2006), with an intervention focused on primary school. I have participated in several innovation and research projects funded by national R&D&I calls, as a collaboration and research fellow and currently as a researcher in the CRIE group (Curriculum, Resources and Educational Institutions, GIUV2013-105). In addition, I have presented papers and communications to national and international conferences, and collaborated in scientific journals such as: Revista de Educación, RELATEC, Etic@net, LEEME, Comunicación y Pedagogía, Aula de Innovación Educativa or Cuadernos de Pedagogía. The two main themes on which I have focused my professional development have been psychoeducational intervention, attention to diversity, positive development of children and adolescents and digital competence. Member of RUTE, IARTEM and RIDIVI.

Mª Mercedes Romero Rodrigo, Universitat de València

PhD in Education in the University of Valencia. Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teacher, Master's Degree in Policy, Management and Direction of Educational Organisations and Degree in Pedagogy. Associate Professor in the Department of Theory of Education at the University of Valencia. She has more than ten years of professional experience in the online university education sector, occupying different positions related to student care and guidance, teacher training, academic coordination, as well as the development of resources for online training and teaching. She is a member of the research group CRIE (Curriculum, Resources and Educational Institutions, GIUV2013-105) of the University of Valencia where she has collaborated in several projects related to ICT and strategies for digitisation of content in early childhood and primary education, visions and practices of teachers in the School 2.0 programme and the transition from traditional to digital textbooks. She has published in various national and international journals and conferences on digital content, learning processes and mentoring in online environments. 


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