About the Journal

Aims and Scope

This journal, edited by the Publishing Service of the University of Cádiz, is aimed at researchers and professionals interested in the progress of linguistics, pragmalinguistics, cognition and discourse. It is open to the receipt of original manuscripts for publication, following the positive assessment of two anonymous reviewers, dealing with topics within the thematic areas defined by the journal. These proposals must fall within one of the following categories:

  • Articles, reports on original empirical research studies and/or theoretical or methodological contributions;
  • Reviews or critiques of recently published books.

The length of the articles is around 10.000 words (a maximum of 20 pages approximately); and that of the reviews, around 2000 words (about 4-5 pages). Exceptionally, and always accompanied by a positive report from the Scientific Council, papers exceeding the indicated length will be accepted, provided that their scientific relevance justifies it.

Peer review

Manuscripts will be sent to two anonymous reviewers proposed by the members of the Scientific Board and/or the Board of Manuscript Editors of Pragmalingüística. In the event of discrepancies, these will be submitted to a third reviewer, thus delaying the publication process.

The assessment will be performed whilst preserving the anonymity of both the authors and the reviewers. Subsequently, authors will receive the corresponding reports on their manuscripts together with the decision of the publisher upon their appropriateness for publication. There will be no further correspondence regarding the results of the assessment.

Evaluation form for reviewers

Rejected manuscripts will only be returned under express request of the interested parties.

If any form or content elements of the manuscript proposed are to be amended, it will be the exclusive responsibility of the author to do so.


List of reviewers 2021

List or reviewers 2022

List of reviewers 2023

Publication frequency

The journal Pragmalingüística is published once a year, in December.

Inclusive language

The journal Pragmalingüística is committed to the use of inclusive language within grammatical norms, through the implementation of a gender linguistic policy for Spanish, adhering to the United Nations goal of "expressing oneself orally and in writing without discriminating against a particular sex, social gender or gender identity and without perpetuating gender stereotypes" (https://www.un.org/es/gender-inclusive-language/index.shtml).

In order to establish these recommendations and although they are not exhaustive, Pragmalingüística recommends making gender visible when the communicative situation requires it and not making it visible when it is not required, as well as avoiding gender splitting by using lexical alternatives such as collective, generic or abstract.

Likewise, the journal has adopted measures to ensure a balanced editorial composition of women and men, which is reflected both in the different boards of the journal and in the participation of the people who evaluate the papers. In cases where research source data takes gender into account, the journal ensures that this information is clearly displayed so that possible differences can be identified.

Fees playable by authors

Pragmalingüística does not charge for the submission, processing or publication of articles. All procedures are free of charge for authors.

Open Access Policy

This journal offers open access to its content, in the belief that offering open access to research fosters a greater global exchange of knowledge.

 Licencia de Creative Commons
This journal is under a Creative Commons Licence Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International.

Digital Preservation Policy

Pragmalingüística has an archiving system through OJS (Open Journal System) that guarantees its digital preservation. This journal has activated the PKP PN (https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/pkp-pn/en/). Archived issues can be consulted in the LOCKSS editorial manifest (https://revistas.uca.es/index.php/cir/gateway/lockss) and in CLOCKSS (https://revistas.uca.es/index.php/cir/gateway/clockss).

It is also stored in RODIN (Repositorio de Objetos de Docencia e Investigación de la Universidad de Cádiz: https://rodin.uca.es/xmlui/), Dialnet and other databases since the date of its inclusion.

Authors have permission to host their work once it has been published on personal, institutional or research pages, as long as they state the origin of the work.