What can corpus-based approaches provide for the research on approximative adverbs: the case of SP. apenas



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Published: 01-12-2019



This paper contributes to the study of approximative adverbs from a corpus linguistic point of view, focusing on Spanish apenas (English barely). Research on approximative adverbs consists in a deductive line of research that usually ignores quantitative applications. This paper analyzes about 500 corpus-based examples of apenas, in order to quantify the frequency of its different uses and dealing with some cases omitted by the current theories in the specialized literature.



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How to Cite

Pardo Llibrer, A. (2019). What can corpus-based approaches provide for the research on approximative adverbs: the case of SP. apenas. Pragmalingüística, (27), 268–286. https://doi.org/10.25267/Pragmalinguistica.2019.i27.14


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