Point of view and argumentative discursive structure in older adults



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Published: 01-12-2019


  • Cristián Juan Noemi Padilla (CL) Universidad de La Serena


The work argues that the choice of the point of view adopted by a speaker in an act of argumentative speech is psychosocially determined, a situation that also affects the discursive argument configuration. In order to specify part of the psychosocial characteristics of older adults in the sample, the Hample test was used (Pizarro and Rodríguez, 2013). In order to obtain a significant sample of texts that would allow establishing the recurrent argumentative structure in this type of speakers, Dilemma III of the D.I.T. Questionnaire was used (Rest, 2013). Cross-referencing of information between both instruments allowed establishing significant relationships between axiological frameworks, point of view and discursive semantic structure. In this way it is observed that older adults opt mostly for the opposite point of view, by means of a symptomatic scheme.



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Supporting Agencies  

Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología. Dirección de Investigación ULS.

How to Cite

Noemi Padilla, C. J. (2019). Point of view and argumentative discursive structure in older adults. Pragmalingüística, (27), 256–367. https://doi.org/10.25267/Pragmalinguistica.2019.i27.13


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