About the meanings of the adverbial marker "dizque" in the Spanish of Mexico: an approximation from the dialogical approach of argumentation and polyphony

This paper seeks to carry out a polyphonic-argumentative characterization of the different meaninfs with which dizque is expressed in Mexican Spanish. We will use the Dialogic Approach of Argumentation and Polyphony, a non-referentialist and non-intentionalist theory of linguistic meaning, which departs from a dialogical notion of subjectivity to conceive language. That is, the way in which responsive perspectives towards discursive alterity are inscribed in statements. Thus, we will seek to defend that there is a difference between the canonical meaning of the term, whose grammaticalized origin (someone says that -> dizque) is of an evidential-citing nature, and it’s ironic expression. Such difference is explain, on the one hand, through the fact that the locutor is detached from the responsibility of the alien discourse that conveys his utterance, thereby manifesting an attitude of caution and/or dubitation. And, on the other, where such responsibility is only apparent (feigned), so the ironical enunciation results in a disqualification and/or reproach of what allegedly is reported.
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