The integration of contextual information in the discourse of people with dementia

This study pursues the following objectives: (i) developing a model for analyzing the integration of contextual information in discourse; (ii) identifying the patterns of error committed by people with dementia when they integrate contextual information in their discourse; (iii) verifying whether the ability of people with dementia to correctly use contextual information decreases as the cognitive impairment advances. In order to do so, a theoretical model has been proposed and it has been applied for analyzing a corpus, consisting of video recordings of 23 people with dementia while talking about their routines, likes, dislikes and personal history. The model has proved to work correctly as an analysis tool for our corpus. The results show that there exists a strong correlation between the ability to integrate contextual information of our informants and the stage of the disease in which they are.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Ana Varela Suárez

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