Theoretical-quantitative analysis of the formal properties of hypocoristics in peninsular Spanish



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Published: 01-12-2023



The process of forming hypocoristics (Fran, Isa) is difficult to systematize due to the formal and prosodic changes they undergo with respect to their bases. These are classified into two groups based on whether they maintain the initial syllable and are more formally faithful to the base (class A) or maintain the stressed syllable and have a greater presence of formal changes to obtain CV.CV syllables (class B). Our statistical analysis of an updated sample of 208 hypocoristics shows that the distribution of names in both classes is not random, with the number of syllables in the base being a determining factor. In addition, significant differences are observed based on gender, with female hypocoristics generally being more conservative than male hypocoristics. The appearance of palatal sounds is also higher in the latter, despite the fact that previous studies have linked this strategy to the formation of female hypocoristics.



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How to Cite

Marqueta Gracia, B., & Cañete Lairla, M. (2023). Theoretical-quantitative analysis of the formal properties of hypocoristics in peninsular Spanish. Pragmalingüística, (31), 265–286.


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