Diseño y evaluación de “Micro-Hoek”: un microscopio a bajo costo con teléfonos móviles para la educación básica
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The teaching of biology and in particular of representations around phenomena on a microscopic scale represents a challenge for teachers, both because of the level of abstraction required, and because of the need for specific instruments that contribute to the construction of scientific representations in schools. This work presents the design and evaluation of a low cost microscope model, called “Micro-Hoek”, in public school environments and with economic difficulties of access to adequate technical instruments. In the first part of the work a documentary analysis for the design of the “Micro-Hoek” is presented; and in the second part, the design and evaluation of the “Micro-Hoek” by 62 students of basic education and 23 teachers of basic education of public establishments of the Region of Coquimbo in Chile is presented. The participants elaborated the prototype that contemplates the use of cell phones and low-cost recyclable material, and later answered a highly reliable questionnaire. “Micro-Hoek” was positively evaluated by teachers and students, in the dimensions of access to materials, as well as in the assembly of the same. It is also concluded that the model allows an in situ visualization of instrumental representations of the cell and offers access to low cost optical instruments in school institutions.
Copyright (c) 2022 Mariano Rodríguez-Malebrán, Edgardo Mundaca Maldonado, Maricel Occelli , Yefrin Ariza
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