Digital literary practices: challenges, experiential reflections and verification rubric
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This contribution presents an academic reflection, as an essay, together with the report of a number of successful experiences and a rubric, triangulated and validated by experts. This brings together a series of reflections on the challenges involved in the implementation of digital literary practices in the classroom, aiming to provide an answer to questions relating to the educational potential of social networks, the conceptualization of Literature and ICT, the signs of online literature quality, or the generation of new reader profiles. It is based on the researchers’ literature-related teaching practices that are linked to the use of social networks and/or blog environment, focusing on promoting both reading and writing, and reflecting on one's reading/ writing performance. In order to enhance control mechanisms (formative and evaluative) that evaluate students’ performance when working with educative blogs, a rubric or verification matrix design is presented, which can be replicated in other educative contexts. We conclude this contribution by addressing the pedagogical advantage of the digital environment as for literary practices. We identify the presence of new reading profiles, which need to be subjected to further review in order to assess the role teaching professionals may play in the encouragment and supervision of students’ reading practices, especially when technology mediates.Keywords
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